16 Delicious Chia Seed Recipes You Need to Make

Chia seeds are incredibly nutrient dense despite their small size. They’re rich in fiber, omega-3 fats and protein. They also contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Getting more in your diet is simple and to help you out, I’ve listed 16 healthy chia seed recipes below.

Just one ounce (or about 2 tablespoons) […]

2018-01-03T14:34:45-07:00January 4th, 2018|Recipes|

3 Natural Sweeteners to Use Instead of Sugar

Let’s talk about sugar for a moment. Most of us know it contributes to obesity, weakens immunity and creates poor dental health. Yet, the average American adult eats 22 teaspoons of sugar daily. That’s much more than double the recommended daily allowance according to the American Heart Association.

So what can you […]

2017-08-23T13:18:25-07:00September 5th, 2017|Nutrition|

17 Signs Your Gut Microbiome is Unhealthy

The gut microbiome refers to the community of bacteria living in your gastrointestinal system. Within it, you’ll find good bacteria (probiotics), bad bacteria, yeast (like candida albicans) and other microorganisms. When your gut microbiome is balanced, the ratio of good bacteria to bad will be higher keeping everything in check.

It’s important because your gut microbiome is linked […]

2017-09-28T13:02:50-07:00May 2nd, 2017|Immune System|

4 Steps to Using Natural Remedies for a Healthy Bowel

How often do you have a bowel movement? It’s not something a lot of people like to talk about. You might find it embarrassing or gross. In many cultures around the world, the healthy number of bowel movements is 2-3 per day, and they should be easy to pass. Any less than 2 per day […]

2017-06-21T12:54:51-07:00January 3rd, 2017|Nutrition, Pain Management|

5 Natural Remedies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Your intestinal health is incredibly important for digestion and nutrient absorption. Symptoms of stomach pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can all be signs that something is wrong. You may have heard of IBD and IBS. They can often be confused because they sound so similar, and a few of their symptoms are alike. IBD stands […]

2018-01-15T16:36:09-07:00December 27th, 2016|Nutrition|
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