Stay Hydrated with These Healthy Homemade Drink Ideas

Many of us enjoy something having something sweet to sip, but sugary drinks are one of the largest sources of calories in our diet. Instead, you can feel good about having any of these homemade drink ideas. They’re tasty, healthy and easy to make.

4 Healthy Homemade Drink Ideas to Have Instead of Soda

1. Drink sparkling […]

2017-06-20T15:30:23-07:00March 17th, 2015|Recipes|

11 Ways to Naturally Detox Your Body

Are you regularly promising yourself to be more balanced, make better choices and eat healthier without ever following through? It could be time for a detox.

Your body can do most of the work, but these 11 simple steps can help naturally detox your body more efficiently.

Here are some tell-tale signs when your body is screaming for some […]

2017-06-20T15:04:34-07:00January 2nd, 2015|Pain Management|
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