
About Heather Tick

For over 20 years Dr. Tick has dedicated herself to researching evidence-based holistic treatments for pain and inflammation. A multiple-book author, including the highly acclaimed Holistic Pain Relief - An In-Depth Guide to Managing Chronic Pain, Dr. Tick empowers her patients to live free of pain and full of life. She is the first holder of the prestigious Gunn-Loke Endowed Professorship of Integrative Pain Medicine at the University of Washington and a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington in the departments of Family Medicine and Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine.

3 Easy Breathing Techniques to Relieve Stress

If you’re having a particularly stressful moment, here’s some wisdom from a Chinese philosophy text: “Let things ripen, and then fall. Force is not the way at all.”

Be gentle with yourself when you try to de-stress.

It sounds odd, perhaps, but I see patients becoming more stressed as they try to relax. They are trying hard cope […]

2017-06-21T11:42:05-07:00February 2nd, 2016|Mind Body|

A 3-Day Detox to Keep You Healthy

Chances are what you’ve heard about detox could be wrong.

The detox methods most of the internet buzzes about are fads. Before the recent craze, medical professionals did detoxify the body. Here’s the difference: detox was only used for getting rid of immediate life-threatening drugs, alcohol, poison. Now there seems to be a new smoothie detox plan each week.

Your […]

2017-06-21T11:40:46-07:00January 12th, 2016|Nutrition|

How to Make a Gratitude List

Do you have six minutes?  Watch this video. It explains in a nutshell why being grateful is essential.

3 Reasons You Should Be More Grateful

1. Being grateful makes you happy

We know for a fact that happiness isn’t external. A lot of us work hard in our careers, strive to find the right partner, and try to […]

2017-06-15T17:55:11-07:00December 23rd, 2015|Mind Body|

The Effects of Stress on Your Body (+ How to Relax)

Ever wondered what stress does to you?

Here’s a case study of how stress affects every system in your body. You likely know someone in the same boat, or maybe it describes you. I’ve also added three science-based relaxation tips my patients find helpful.

The Effects of Stress on The Body

Meet Sharon.

Sharon is on her way to work. […]

2017-06-20T17:02:00-07:00December 22nd, 2015|Mind Body|

The Benefits of Eating Mindfully (+ How to do it!)

Since the average person spends approximately 38,003 hours eating over their lifetime taking the time to slow down, truly enjoying your food and appreciating the journey your food takes before making it to your plate can go a long way to helping make healthy changes to your eating habits.

What is Mindful Eating?


2017-06-20T17:00:06-07:00December 2nd, 2015|Mind Body|
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