Roasted Chicken Breasts with Potatoes and Greens
If you’re looking for a cozy, weekday dinner staple, this could be it. Experiment with different combinations of greens.
A nice little piece of 70% (or higher) dark chocolate.
If you’re looking for a cozy, weekday dinner staple, this could be it. Experiment with different combinations of greens.
A nice little piece of 70% (or higher) dark chocolate.
How much stress do you carry? Most of us don’t realize it, but stress can have a greater impact on pain that we think.
Stress shuts down the systems in our body that needed for long-term health. That prevents our bodies from healing and curing our pain.
The stress response shuts down the functions you need to reduce pain. Stress decreases circulation, […]
These mesquite pancakes are simple and tasty enough to be a weekday morning treat.
Mesquite flour is made from ground mesquite pods from the (you guessed it) mesquite tree. They’re found today in southern states like Arizona. They have no gluten, so don’t expect the light fluffiness of traditional pancakes. These mesquite pancakes are chewier and they’ll give you a protein […]
There’s a problem with making Greek yogurt, and no one knows how to solve it.
Yogurt in moderate quantities can be a good addition to your diet. It provides the probiotics your microbiome needs to keep you healthy. Producing Greek yogurt, though, is a challenge. The problem is the making of Greek yogurt […]
What’s for dinner tonight? The answer matters more to your pain than you might think.
You change your body chemistry every time you eat. It changes from meal to meal. It can either make yourself more inflamed or less inflamed. And so if you’re going out for hamburger and fries at a fast food joint, you’re going to […]
Food labels are getting tricky nowadays. I feel like staying aware of food marketing tricks takes more energy than most of us have. Food labels are supposed to keep us informed of what we eat and feed our families. In much of the world they do just that. In the US, however, there is more […]
What if I told you that your body is more bacteria than human?
You could call yourself about 10% human. For every human cell in your body, there are nine microbes that live inside you. They’re essential to your health. Without them, we’d have trouble digesting food, would catch a lot more diseases, […]
Most people don’t.
1% of the population has celiac disease and 6% of the population is sensitive to gluten. If you don’t fall in those categories, you’re fine. You can eat gluten. It’s a natural part of a balanced diet.
Wheat, barley, rye can’t grow without it. […]
We change our body chemistry every time we eat. In fact, diet is more powerful in preventing common diseases than either drugs or medical care. Learning about the glycemic index will help you reduce and prevent inflammation, stay slim, and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.
A few […]
We need inflammation for many healing responses in the body. However, chronic inflammation is responsible for many damaging effects of common diseases. Eating well helps us balance the healing and harmful sides of inflammation. Since ancient times, inflammation has been described as redness, heat, swelling, and pain. We initially […]