Black Pepper: 5 Healthy Benefits for Your Body
There’s a superfood in your kitchen hiding in plain sight. The common black pepper is actually a pain-fighting superfood with a wide range of nutritional benefits. Here’s [...]
How to Start Oil Pulling for Better Oral Health
Even my dentist was impressed. Oil pulling is the practice of swishing oil around in your mouth to remove toxins. There are many reasons to try oil [...]
Egg and Watercress Salad Recipe with a Turmeric Curry Vinaigrette
Here's a superfood you need to eat more of: watercress. With more calcium than milk and more iron than spinach, watercress is a super vegetable. Its antioxidants [...]
How to Manage Stress: An Unexpected Approach
Mind doesn’t dominate body; it becomes body. –Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion For centuries, we’ve known that the mind and the body are tightly linked. Ever had [...]
Healthy Thai Red Curry Your Family Will Love
Weeknight dinners don't have to be boring. Ever wished you could just blink and have food appear? Curries come pretty close. They're almost as quick and at [...]
4 Dangerous Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup on Your Body
As a medical professional, I’m shocked and frustrated by the non-food products that will kill us. High fructose corn syrup is one of them. There is no [...]